About Us
Who we are.
About Us
Virtual Selling Sales Training Company
Ann Leveille
CEO, Co-Founder
Kevin says of Ann:
"From the first time I met her right through to today, she is the single greatest Sales Professional I have ever known. Her sales performance was always higher than her peers by double digits, and the reason why is the best part. Her dedication to serving the Buyer, identifying the problem they were trying to solve as well as the problem they didn’t know they had. Finally, in designing a solution that solved for everything and presenting it as a Clearly Superior Alternative."
Kevin Leveille
CSO, Co-Founder
Ann says of Kevin:
"Kevin is the first person ever to understand how I think about the Buyer and make it scalable for normal Sellers. Understanding how and why a top Seller is effective, then compiling a framework that makes the approaches accessible to all performance levels on the team. He is a genius in designing sales methodologies and training platforms that transform existing team approaches to help them knock the numbers out of the park."